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Beautiful Studio in Hell's Kitchen

Whole home in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan

Hosted by Daniel, no guest reviews

What type of unit is this?

Whole home

How many guests can stay in the unit at one time?

2 guests

How many beds and bedrooms iwll guests have access to?

1 bedroom, 1 bed, 1 sofa/cot

Is the unit exclusively prepared for your setup, or might some personal items be present?

Exclusively prepared for guests

How many bathrooms iwll guests have access to?

1 bathroom

Is parking provided? And if so, is there an additional cost?

Paid parking

Live booking status

16-23 May 2024 (longer stay possible), max 2 persons

640 sq feet studio with living room and bedroom with large double bed
Fully equipped kitchen and bathroom
Air conditioning in each room

5min from Hudson River, 10 minutes from Times Square and Highline

Price: $1100 for the period (7 nights, longer stay possible)

Looking forward to your message and to making your stay in NYC awesome!

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1. Read the reviews, which can help make an informed decision around property quality, lising accuracy, host quality, neighborhood insights, and more.

2. Get to know your host. Consider a phone call to build trust and understand their policies around cancellation and security deposit

3. Understand the neighborhood, including safety, public transport, and proximity to services like grocery stores.

4. Read the rental agremeent. If applicable, ask for a rental agreement that outlines all the terms and conditions of your stay, including when payments are due and provisions around security deposits.

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