ManhattanBNB: How it Works
ManhattanBNB helps travelers enjoy a safe, affordable, and flexible way to experience the greatest city in the world, while avoiding exorbitant hotel prices and fees that other platforms would charge.
ManhattanBNB is not a booking platform: it connects travelers and property hosts while giving them the flexibility to communicate or transact on a third-party platform. Each host may have their way of accepting bookings and requirements such as security deposits, so we suggest clearly communicating needs and requirements.
Keep Safe on ManhattanBNB
1. Read reviews! Reviews provide a wealth of information from previous guests about their experiences with the host, the property, and the surrounding area. Understanding what reviews can indicate is crucial in making an informed decision including property quality, lising accuracy, host quality, neighborhood insights, specific issues or benefits, and value for money.
2. Get to know your host. Consider a phone call to build trust and understand their policies around cancellation and security deposits. Our Featured Hosts are those who ManhattanBNB has verified to offer an exceptional guest experience.
3. Research the neighborhood where the rental is located. Know the safety of the neighborhood, availability of public transport, and proximity to services like hospitals, police stations, and grocery stores.
4. Read the rental agremeent. If applicable, ask for a rental agreement that outlines all the terms and conditions of your stay, including when payments are due and provisions around security deposits.
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